I made a few buttons for my own use because I'm weirdly peculiar about what I want to feature on my website...
Some of these are inspired by or are remakes of ones I found on pixelsafari and buttonwall. Both of these pages feature a lot of flashing images, so please be cautious if you're photosensitive!
Feel free to use them for your own website, I'd appreciate if you credit me somewhere on your site, but you don't have to.
Pride Flags
The composition of these pride flag buttons is directly inspired by this button I found on buttonwall. You can modify these to have flags I didn't make.

The first button on the left is the original rainbow flag with 8 stripes from 1978!
Inspired by hillhouse's Palestine buttons and as part of my personal efforts to acknowledge that I too live on stolen land, I've made two buttons that feature the Aboriginal flag in a small gesture to show solidarity for Indigenous people here in so-called Australia.

'Always was, always will be' is an abbreviation of the phrase 'Always was, always will be Aboriginal land'. It's specifically used as a rallying cry, chant, and reminder that Aboriginal people have been living in and taking care of the land for thousands of years.
It's a direct response to the the way colonisation and white Australian history wants to frame the continent as an unoccupied land free for the taking. You can read more about the concept of terra nullius in this article by the Australian Museum.
These are general website buttons. The mobile friendly one is the only one that's truly original, the other ones are remakes and remixes of ones I found on pixelsafari.

Coming soon! I have a few fun ideas for TF2-themed buttons hee hee